If I can do it anyone can

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In July of 2014 I began my fitness journey with Sheila. I was nervous, but with the encouragement of my daughter, who attended the first month with me, my fitness journey began. This was the year I was turning 55, so I wanted to put in a true effort on my health and fitness.

It was not easy, but with Sheila’s patience, expertise, and knowledge in nutrition, I was able to reach my goal weight!

In November of 2014 I saw my doctor for my bi-annual physical check-u[ and he was amazed at what I had accomplished and the physical changes I had made! In the past year I had lost 40 lbs, and went from a size 12 to a size 4! Not only had I lost the weight I had gained confidence, total body strength, and became a fit person! Because of my new confidence this past spring I completed the Grouse Grind in Vancouver!

My husband and I have been together for 36 years and he has noticed such an incredible change in my energy, confidence and that I am a much happier person! He keeps saying I look 29 again!

If I can do it anyone can!!

Thank you Sheila for all you have done for me!
